Review for Enduring, Surviving, and Thriving As a Law Enforcement Executive
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Review for Enduring, Surviving, and Thriving As a Law Enforcement Executive
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Enduring, Surviving, and Thriving As a Law Enforcement Executive Review
The purpose of this book is to provide a guide to future and present police chiefs, sheriffs and other law enforcement executives on how to survive and ultimately thrive in a job that is becoming increasingly difficult to handle. It reflects the collective wisdom of a group of police chiefs, sheriffs and law enforcement executives with significant tenure in their roles and who have successfully weathered the challenges of law enforcement leadership. The information, ideas and suggestions throughout the book were developed in a series of executive forums during which successful law enforcement executives discussed the factors that positively and negatively impacted on their careers. The book examines the question of law enforcement survival from three perspectives: demands upon the individual, demands from within the police department, and external/environmental pressures. It will also assist police executives in sorting through important leadership and management issues, such as dealing with the media, behaving as a professional, becoming more involved in the community, placing effective new policing procedures within the department while eliminating former procedures, and dealing with roles, leadership, missions, management, planning and budgeting, associations, and quality policing. The book will be both useful as a learning tool and helpful as a source of reference. Readmore .. .
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Enduring, Surviving, and Thriving As a Law Enforcement Executive
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